Saturday, September 4, 2010

{ Outings... }

Mom told me you might come home tonight?! This is very exciting.
We've both had pretty sucky weeks.
This calls for some R&R.
Movies, and maybe a late night Top Foods run?
Fruit, chips, and chocolate covered gummi bears? The usual.
Can't wait sis.
Love you.

~Noelle Belles~

{P.S.} That "throw it in the bag" song has been stuck in my head for weeks. Dead Serious.
"If ya got monay, if ya got monay...just THROW IT IN THA BAGGG!"

Go HERE to spice up your photos. Polaroid-tastic.

1 comment:

Brittany said...

Cool picture of B-rock! I have lots of fun memories of listening to rap/hip hop-like music in her car and all of us dancing as we drove. Good times! I'll miss that in Germany.