Tuesday, November 22, 2011

{ Gratitude... }

In light of Thursday being Thanksgiving, I think it's necessary to make a list of things were thankful for.
Here's mine.
(and please, when making your list...eliminate family, friends, and church. Let's get creative.)
-Wool socks. for days like today when it has rained for 12+ hours here in Seattle and my feet were soaked ALL day at school.
-Netflix. Who doesn't love watching all your favorite TV shows and movies, instant, all in one place?
-Heaters, or heat in general.
-Warm fuzzy pajama pants. I'm sensing a theme here...
-Anderson Cooper. His grey hair and age doesn't throw me off at all. He's still a cutie.
-Movie theatres. Currently housing my favorite movie. Breaking Dawn.
-Weather forcasters. Even though they perdict wrong 98.7% of the time, I still love them.
-Ballpoint pens. My go-to untensil during a boring note-taking lecture. Makes doodling a little more enjoyable.
-Gum. I'm serious.
-Redbox. Again with it being "instant-ish". Also, it's exciting locations that require a buddy. (sketch 7/11, walgreens, etc...)
-Nightlights. Don't judge. I've always had a fear of shadows.
-That boy who looks like Squidward in my french class. I genuinely enjoy seeing him everyday. ok, ok i'm getting off track.
-Target's $1 section
-Ben and his friend Jerry. Sometimes they know just how to fix my problem.
-Scrubbing Bubbles cleaner
-MAJIC ERASER! even cleans up scratch marks on your car! shhhh...don't tell my parents! :/
-SNL. provides my friends and I constant quotes and laughing attacks.
And last but not least...
-YOU! who should leave a comment and say 3 things your grateful for. I dare you! and remember my rule! no family, friends, and church. Makes it more interesting! ;)
Happy Thanksgiving dear readers.
I'm grateful for you...whoever you are.


(photos by: Taylor)


Brittany B. said...

Here is my A-Z gratitude list. I’m grateful for…

* America, my American passport/citizenship, my accordion, accessories, antique stores, airplanes and amazon.com.

* Books, blogs (especially Noelle’s blog. Your latest blog entry on gratitude just rocked my world!) baking soda, bikes, baseball games, Broadway musicals, birds, bubbles, butterflies and my Bachelor's degree from BYU.

* Cameras, Christmas, candy canes, color, Chinese people/food/chopsticks/lanterns/checkers/fortune cookies, cinnamon, clothes, chocolate (German chocolate that is), cotton (love 100%), cows, crayons, coloring books, custodians, and calculators (so I don’t have to do math in my head).

* Dreams, ducks (I like to feed the ducks and not eat them), doctors, dishwashers, dirndls, diamonds, dolphins, Disneyland and Dole Whips from Disneyland.

* Eyes, eyesight, eyeglasses, eyebrows and my eyelashes (not to forget emails).

* facebook, food, my flute, freedom, free stuff, fridge/freezer, French toast, fruits, floss, Frisbees, and Frosty’s at Wendys’ (man I miss those!)

* Goonies, Germany, the German language and silly Germans, games, gelato, gardens, garbagemen (I’m glad someone takes the garbage away. I’ve seen when garbagemen go on strike and it’s not a pretty sight), and garage sales (I loved going to these with Grandma).

* H&M, Harry Potter (the books, movies and someday I want to go to the theme park in Florida), hair and hairstylists, and Hawaii (I want to go there someday).

* Ice cream, ice cubes, the internet, Indian food and Italian food.

* Jelly Belly beans, Jesus, Just Dance games 2&3 for the Wii and journals.

* Ketchup, keys, kittens, and Kleenex

* Lavender, leprechauns (if only I could catch one), lychee juice, life (my life is pretty good so far. The game of Life is pretty fun and the cinnamon cereal Life is delish – I wish they had that cereal here in Germany), lifeguards, light and literacy.

* Music, missionaries, movies, muffins, Mexican food, maps, (good) memories, my MacBook, Mac make-up, miniature golf, mangos, miracles (and the perfume Miracle which I’m wearing today), money in my pocket, and the moon.

* Nintendo, new notepads, nurses, and Norway (I would love to see where my bro served his mission and where our ancestors are from someday)

* Oatmeal cookies, the old seasons of the Office, the Ocean, orange juice, Otter pops, origami, and owls.

* Pixar movies, photographs, packages, palm trees, pandas (I love the Kung Fu Panda movies), penguins, perfume, pumpkin pie, pillows, pilgrims (I am proud to be related to the Mayflower pilgrims), pineapple, pizza, policemen, post offices, Play-doh, and (indoor) plumbing.

* Quilts and Qutips.

* Rivers, the Rocky Mountains, role models, and roses (I like white the best).

* Skype, Silver (I prefer silver over gold), sailboats, sandy beaches, salt water taffy, shampoo, soap, shoes, showers, slurpees (I miss 7-11 slurpees), snow cones, smoothies, snacks, sincere smiles, snorkeling (on my to-do list for Hawaii), snowflakes, the sun, the stars, summer time, Sunday naps, and swings.

* Temples, teatime (I like fruit tea the best), Thanksgiving, Tupperware, trees, traveling, and tutus (on little girls).

* Utah and universities.

* Vacuums, veggies, Venus’s-flytraps, and vitamins

* Watches, the (ocean) waves, the Wii, (clean) water, and wreaths (for the front door of my home – makes our place feel more welcoming, inviting and cozy)

* Xerox machines (a brilliant invention – wish I had one for our office)

* You-Tube

* Zoos

Ok that was more than 3 things I'm thankful for but I had fun writing an A-Z gratitude list. ☺

{Natasha Jones} said...

Well how do I follow up that comment!!?

Here are my 3 things:

1.) Disney Princesses: they are such great role models! I love them.

2.) Christmas lights: They make me happy.

3.) Picture text messaging: I love sending people weird creeper photos. I'm pro at this.

Taylor said...

1. I'm thankful for blankets.

2. I'm thankful for my ghetto car.

3. I'm thankful for my memories (does that count?)

Also: your blog makes me miss mine! Lovely pictures dahling