Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Ode to a crappy week.

Insert [a funny yet witty statement about how I never blog and when I do I post pictures of myself, typically by barns or trees, and then gab about my week and how tired I am, and how stupid I was for enrolling in AP English. But then stay positive and put a link to a funny video, or an inspiring tutorial that I discovered. And then I DON'T mention how totally uninspired I am in photography and never take pictures anymore. More complaining, but then rebuffed with something completely my obsession with cooking, and drinking lemon water.] Here.


Allison J Brown said...

It's called high school. It sucks life and love out of any normal person!
Anyway if it makes you feel any better you are still so amazing! I only know photographers in their 30s... or "Photographers"... who aren't really anything. You have already done so much and are so talent and creative! KC and I love the photos you post on your blog so keep it up!
You look so beautiful, I love your dress, tights, belt, hair, and everything!
Love you Noelle!

{Natasha Jones} said...

Stole the words right from my mouth. We will get through AP together.