Friday, October 1, 2010

{ I Love where I Live: part 2... }

September 18, 2010.
Puyallup Fair.
Delicious Fair food.
More Food.
Crisp fall air.
Muttin' Bustin'.
Natalie & Shawn.
Great time at the fair.

Elephant Ear? I think so...

In true Steck fashion, Natalie volunteered to get Hypnotized.
Way to represent Nat!
That was probably my favorite part of the night.
Nat's the one on the floor. yup...
Nat pretty much let go of all her inhibitions. It was awesome.
So much more where that came from.

1 comment:

Lore Smart said...

HILARIOUS~ I had no idea that you all went to the fair or that NATALIE GOT HYPNOTIZED! LOVE your pictures Noelle! Wish I could've been there to laugh along side you. Looks like it was a fun Fair day! Totally homesick now but hey, I"ve always got next year to catch up. Love you lots!