Friday, November 26, 2010

{ This Land is Our Land... }

Just a modge podge of photos from Thanksgiving week. It's been a crazy one up here in the Northwest.
Winter Wonderland. I really do feel more festive when there's snow on the ground.

Brooke and Les. Classic.
We opted for fake candles this year. We don't want any repeats! Remember Lore?!

Happy Thanksgiving!

3 things i'm grateful for this Holiday season:

1) Rainboots 2) A WORKING oven 3) Music. Can't live without it.


Brittany B. said...

Cool pictures! Love the one of Brooke - looks so professional!

Pretty pictures of the snow - there is lots of snow here in the Alps. I can't wait to go cross country skiing for my birthday.

Did you take any pictures of yourself on Thanksgiving? What about the rest of the fam? Or was it just you, Brooke and Les for Thanksgiving?

Fun blog entry! Thanks for sharing. :)

{Natasha Jones} said...

I'm thankful for:
1.) Your face. 2.) Your Working Oven ( you never know how much you need something till it's gone!) 3.) Your mom and her cooking.

Brooke and Leslie are a dynamic duo and I love them. I'm glad you had a great spinach and artichoke dip from some lovely lady. Those plates of food look tempting! It was good to actually have a hot comfort food meal and not have anyone judge you! And I love the pictures of snow. Snow Snow Snow. At this point I'm rambling. Love you.

" Is this a hat? No, Noelle it's a bell decoration."
~ Noelle. Sometimes I don't know what to do with you except laugh. Love you girl!