Thursday, December 9, 2010

{ A good Deed... }

Mom and I just started taking up walking.
Correction: I just started taking up walking.
On a particularly hard day when I was certainly not motivated to put on my gloves, and winter wear just to get a mile-and-a-half exercise, we went for our walk.
It PAID off.
We turned the corner and saw it. 10 BUCKS!
Finders keepers.
But being the civilized, good-hearted people we are, we decided to give it to someone who we thought needed it most.
We have a pretty good idea of how we will give it away. (Stay Tuned..)
As we continued our "difficult" walk, two girls came running around the corner shouting
"I think I dropped it over here...wait...maybe over there!"
I looked at mom. We both shrugged. Then she whispered
"Eh...we'll put it to better use than they would!"
And kept walking...

Just for the record, we did feel a little remorse.


{Natasha Jones} said...

BWHAHAHAHAHAHA I love you guys! Such kind a way ;) Love the pics!

snickers said...

this might be one of my favorite posts ever.

Taylor said...

I do hope this "better use" involved buying Taylor some Skittles...

He could really use some.

Brittany B. said...

hahahaha!! Amen to what Brooke wrote!